What Does BodyTalk Treat?

• Digestive problems: discomfort, bloating, food intolerances
• Fertility issues
• Headaches and migraines
• Insomnia
• Viruses and infections
• Arthritis
• Mental and emotional concerns: stress, anxiety and depression.

• Immune function and allergies
• Skin conditions: eczema and rashes
• Hormone imbalances
• Chronic pain
• Muscle tension and recovery after injury
• Children’s health
• General wellbeing and preventative healthcare.

What does a session look like?

We discuss your health status and any other personal concerns you may want to address.

After this initial chat, you normally lie on the treatment table, while the practitioner sits beside you and uses your arm to receive neuromuscular feedback information, which is similar to applied kinesiology, to determine where support is needed and how to activate it.

You only need to relax, maybe answer a few questions as they pop up but it is not talk therapy.  We are tapping into the intuitive intelligence, the ‘innate wisdom’ of your own body. Our incredible systems are designed to restore and heal themselves. 

How does it work?

Treatments are personalized and involve unwinding the impact of our stresses, traumas, toxins, infections and previous health challenges.

The practitioner uses the BodyTalk Protocol chart to determine the weakened energy circuits in the body and creates a “formula” of the broken communication pathways.

We can then reset and rebalance the organs, endocrines, different systems of the body and carry out emotional releases, depending on what the individual’s imbalances are. 

This formula is then tapped out via the head, the heart and the gut brain.  BodyTalk techniques are simple and non-invasive and all rely on a light tapping process to activate the brain, restore energetic patterns and promote healing from within.

Tapping has been used for thousands of years to activate the brain and facilitate the body mind to make and store the changes being made.  The restored energetic patterns are integrated into the system over a number of weeks and months.  

Does Distance Healing work?

The answer to this question is YES! Remote healing works equally as powerfully as an in-person session.

The practitioner accesses information, receives and sends energy by intention alone . This is explained by Quantum physics and the entanglement theory. Albert Einstein called this ‘Spooky Action at a distance’. This is based on when two particles of energy come together and can share information even if separated by time and space.
What science is now revealing about space or ‘distance’ between objects is that they are actually not as separate as they may seem. Though we experience things as being separate from us, this again is merely a perception of our limited belief in the illusion that time and space are fixed. Remote healings transcends time and space. This is what the healers, shamans and practitioners have known for milennia but modern science is now just beginning to understand and explain.

Likely Results

o Reduce and clear pain and inflammation

o Become more self-aware

o Release even long standing problems

o Letting go of painful feelings and negative stories.

o Enhancing overall sense of peace and calm in your life

Change can be seen in all areas of your life as you begin to live more consciously and with more love.  Relationships, family dynamics, work, finances are only some of the places where you may be surprised to see changes naturally occurring within weeks of a session.  

Book a Session Below

Change can be seen in all areas of your life as you begin to live more consciously and with more love.

Relationships, family dynamics, work, finances are only some of the places where you may be surprised to see changes naturally occurring within weeks of a session.

Make it stand out.